Thursday, 13 March 2014

Do One, Life! Let Me Get On With My Writing!

Can't believe it's March already. It'll soon be Christmas! Well, OK, Easter.

It's the 13th and this is my first blog post of this month, thanks to more problems, one being me getting ill at the beginning of the month, then my mum ending up in hospital again and me running up to Liverpool every five minutes to visit her. That's meant, yeah, guess what, Goalden Sky's been put on the back burner yet again! It never rains but it pours! Fortunately I have one more edit after this left then hopefully (I've just been told) the cover could be designed within a fortnight (well, he's been too busy at work, hasn't he) and I can get on and publish it.

31st December 2012 I started writing it, over a year ago. Disgraceful! I wish life would get lost and let me get on with my writing!

It's also meant I haven't been able to publicise my other books, either, but I'm going to put that right this week. I have a new set of bookmarks ready for trimming (something else I have to wait for him to get round to doing for me...)

I've found out by asking on the Completely Novel Facebook page, a UK-based self-publishing company I've always been quite interested in, that they will accept author-owned ISBNs after all. At first they said no, but they seem to have changed their policy now. That's good news. I hear that Createspace and Lulu are offering their worldwide distribution programmes for free, so how will they make their money? It seems book prices might be raised. That's no good to me considering I write children's books, so now could be the time for me to look elsewhere.

I'll have to finish the stupid book first, though...


Shalini Austin Metalsmith said...

You have been really having a rough time lately haven't you :-(
Sending you my best wishes and a Woof from Mr Taj.
REALLY looking forward to Goalden Sky xx

Unknown said...

Ah, thank you, my dear :)

All I can do is hitch up my knickers and get on with it.

Even my Bridget Jones ones! :)